Buyer / Bidder User Terms

These Buyer / Bidder User Terms (these ” Buyer / Bidder Terms”) govern your access to and use of our Services as a Bidder/Offer Price. The Services can be accessed through Buyer / Bidder Terms, shall be incorporated into the Terms of Use For, located at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and are collectively referred to herein as the “Terms.” All terms used (including capitalized terms) and not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Use For PoorPrice.

  1. Buyer / Bidder Account Approval. Your account must be registered with and approved by us, in our sole discretion, before you can use our Services as Buyer / Bidder.

Listed Item(s). We are not the owner, seller or auctioneer of the Listed Item(s) on our Sites. We do not inspect Listed Item(s), validate a Seller’s ownership of or authority to sell Listed Item(s), or provide any representations or warranties concerning Listed Item(s). Buying / Bidding on the Listed Item(s) is conducted at your own risk, and any resulting transaction for Listed Item(s) is solely between you (Buyer / Bidder) and the Seller. We do not supervise, direct, or control Sellers. You understand and agree that we will not be liable for Listed Item(s) that you bid/buy on, the acts or omissions of Sellers, or for any proposed or completed transactions between you (Buyer / Bidder )and a Seller.

  1. Auction/Offer Price Information and Buyer / Bidder Inspections. The auction/offer price dates, information, descriptions and prices for Listed Item(s) are determined by the Seller and may be subject to change. Listed Item(s) may be used and may contain defects. We do not inspect or confirm the condition of the Listed Item(s). We do not verify the accuracy of, or control, the information and details provided by Sellers concerning the Listed Item(s). We also do not guarantee that Sellers have or maintain proper seller / auctioneers’ licenses or comply with applicable laws, rules, or regulations. You (Buyer / Bidder) should take appropriate steps to verify the accuracy of the Listed Item descriptions. You(Buyer / Bidder) should also take appropriate steps to inspect or validate the condition of Listed Item(s) prior to buying / bidding on and receiving Listed Item(s). We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of any Listed Item(s). We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to (i) withdraw any Listed Item(s) from our Services; (ii) amend the information in a Listed Item; or (iii) cancel any proposed bid/price for Listed Item(s) that we deem to be suspicious or fraudulent and report such bid/price to applicable authorities.
  2. Additional Terms Posted by Seller. A Seller may post additional terms and conditions for their Listed Item(s) (the “User Posted Terms”). User Posted Terms are between you (Buyer / Bidder) and the Seller and are separate from these Terms. You (Buyer / Bidder) are solely responsible for reading and understanding any User Posted Terms prior to placing a bid/offer price on such Listed Item(s). We do not create, review, negotiate, or enforce User Posted Terms. If you do not agree to the applicable User Posted Terms, you should not place a offer price / bid on the Listed Item(s).
  3. Additional Seller Registration. A Seller may require a Buyer / Bidder to separately register with it prior to bidding/buying on the Seller’s Listed Item(s), and may permit or deny the additional registration at its sole discretion.
  4. Transportation and Risk of Loss. We are not responsible for the Transportation, Delivery, Local Pickup or risk of loss for any Listed Item(s). Except as otherwise set forth in any User Posted Terms, the Buyer/Bidder with the winning bid/final price will be responsible for all freight (If any). Shipping, and other costs related to transporting the Listed Item(s). These costs may include dismantling, special handling, loading, transportation costs,tax, brokerage fees and permits required to move the Listed Item(s) to the Buyer / Bidder desired location. You should confirm transportation, delivery and risk of loss information with the Seller and your designated transportation provider. In no event shall we have any responsibility for the transportation of Listed Item(s) or for any risk of loss or liability related to Listed Item(s).
  5. Buyer / Bidder. You understand, acknowledge and agree that:
    1. When you submit a bid/offer price using our Services, your price/bid will be forwarded to the Seller and may be viewed by the Seller as a firm commitment and an irrevocable offer to purchase. Once you place a bid/offer price on our Site, it may not be retracted. If you have the winning bid/price, a Seller may hold you legally obligated to complete the transaction unless otherwise prohibited by law or regulation.
    2. By using our Services to bid/offer price on Listed Item(s), you grant us permission to share your information with Sellers, including, without limitation, your contact information (e.g., name, address, telephone, number, email address, etc.) and other information that you provide to us. Please Noted that we strictly advise Local pickup would be great if close to any public place, shopping mall, police station, subway station or a restaurant area where covered 24 hrs by CCTV camera. We ( take no responsibilities.
    3. You may place a max offer price/bid on Listed Item(s). When you place a max price/bid, our offer price/bidding technology will automatically place bids on your behalf, using the smallest increment necessary to ensure you remain the high bidder/purchase until your max bid/price is met. If another bidder has placed the same bid before you, or a max bid that is higher than yours, we will attempt to let you know that you have been outbid. In that situation, you may attempt to place another bid/offer price within the specific auction time.
    4. Auctions may have time extensions. If a Seller elects to use a time extension for Listed Item(s), the bidding period on the Listed Item(s) may be extended when a higher bid than the then-current top bid is placed prior to expiration of that auction. The bidding period will continue as long as such higher bids are being placed within the time extension designated by the Seller.
    5. PoorPrice reserves the right to withdraw, postpone, or cancel any Listed Item(s), in our sole discretion, with or without notice. We shall have no liability to you as a result of any withdrawal, postponement, or cancellation.
    6. PoorPrice reserves the right to void a bid that you place, whether winning or not, which we believe (i) has not been made in good faith and in accordance with these Terms; or (ii) is intended to manipulate our Services.
    7. The Seller is conducting the auction/sale and makes the sole and final determination with respect to the sale of Listed Item(s).
  6. Prohibited Buyer / Bidder Conduct. Any deliberate attempt to artificially influence the sale price of any Listed Item(s), directly or indirectly, including but not limited to bidding through a secondary account, agent, or representative, bidding on Listed Item(s) that you may also be selling, communicating with other Bidders, or Shill bidding is expressly prohibited.
  7. Additional Bidder Indemnity. In addition to the indemnification provisions set forth in the Terms of Use For PoorPrice, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any and all damages, costs, claims or liability (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or resulting from any injuries to persons or property of any type, occurring during your or your agent’s inspection of property, or your or your agent’s presence at a Seller’s site, or resulting from the sale, removal, use or operations of any Listed Item(s).
  8. Conflicts. In the event of a conflict between the provisions set forth in these Buyer / Bidder Terms and the Terms of Use For, the Terms of Use For shall prevail.

Last Updated January 2021
Copyright 2021 © 8688133 Canada, Inc.

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